Advertiser-Supported E-Books전자책 관련 이야기 2012. 10. 16. 23:55
Advertiser-Supported E-Books
Would you rather get e-books for free but have to look at ads between chapters, or would you rather pay for e-books that are ad-free?
If you answered “free,” you’re like nearly half of Americans, according to a survey that came out yesterday. (The survey itself was conducted by a start-up, eBookPlus, that hopes to pioneer in-book advertising and the methodology was quite opaque, so make of it what you will. Still, it’s an interesting issue to ponder.)
In our own unscientific survey on Twitter, many found the idea of ads in books quite abhorrent, while others liked the free price point.
Meanwhile, about one in seven said they’d prefer to pirate the book with the remainder (about 35%) saying they’d prefer to pay some price: from $0.99 to $19.90.
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