호주 웨스턴시드니 대학, 아이패드 11천대 학생과 교직원에 지급전자책 관련 이야기 2012. 12. 22. 16:45
호주의 웨스턴 시드니 대학에서 1만1천대의 아이패드를 학생과 교직원들에게 제공했다. 온/오프/이러닝이 결합된 블렌디드 러닝을 하기 위함이란다. 좋은 컨텐츠가 많은 곳이 바로 대학이다. 여러 면에서 활성화가 빨리될 곳이다.
University of Western Sydney to Hand Out 11,000 iPads
ByThat’s a nice boost for Apple! The University of Western Sidney was founded in 1989 and has six campuses. It is going to give iPads to all new students, as well as staff. The units will be 16GB wi-fi models.
The distribution is part of a curriculum overhaul which they call a “Blended Learning Strategy”. Vice-Chancellor of Education, Kerri-Lee Krause, said that the strategy is to combine traditional teaching methods with interactive programs. ”Mobile technologies will be a key part of this strategy. We want to support our academic staff to make the most if iPads and custom-designed apps in class so that, even in the largest lecture theater, students have access to just-for-me, just-in-time learning experiences.” UWS will be offering online lecturers, library services, and a number of apps and tools that are currently in development, including live lecture streaming.
The program only applies to new students, according to The Register, and current students will just get a voucher for textbooks.
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