아마존닷컴 경제학

Amazon Looking to Acquire Brazilian Publisher?

류영호 2012. 10. 19. 21:04

아마존이 브라질의 대표적인 출판사이면서 온라인 도서유통사인 Saraiva(사라이바??)를 인수하기 위해 협상중이라는 소식이다. 라틴 아메리카의 최대 거점인 브라질에 아마존이 직접 진출하겠다는 전략으로 보인다. 라틴 아메리카에서도 출판시장의 전 영역에 대한 확장을 더 강하게 밀어 붙이고 있다. 인접 국가에도 킨들을 기반으로 한 전자책 쪽은 좀 더 빠른 스탠스를 이어갈 것으로 보인다. 이번 인수가 확정된다면, 글로벌 진출 시 해당 국가의 서점 등 온/오프라인 유통사에 대한 인수 방식으로 확장될 것 같은 분위기가 더 커질 것 같다. 점입가경이다. 


Amazon Looking to Acquire Brazilian Publisher?


According to an article by Cristiane Lucchesi and Francisco Marcelino for Bloomberg, Amazon may be working on expanding its international reach with the acquisition of the largest bookseller in the largest South American economy. Although nothing has been confirmed, the article states that Sao Paulo-based Saraiva is a Brazilian publisher and internet book distributor and that talks between the two companies have occurred.

Interestingly, Saraiva experienced a 7.3% increase in its stock, the highest it has reached in over a year. As a retail market, Brazil is experiencing growth in internet sales, which has also been fueled by reports that the government will be investing in ebooks within two years.

As of late, Amazon has become quite adept at bringing the convenience and value of digital reading to its international platforms, such as with the announcement last week that it would be expanding its Kindle Owners’ Lending Library to three of its foreign markets, in UK, Germany, and France. Earlier this season, the online retailer and ebook distributor also opened sales in India through its US-based Amazon.com market. This successful international expansion comes less than a year after Amazon even began ebook lending to Kindle customers.
